memyatakan pengunduran diri bahasa Inggris
- pengunduran: retirement; deferment; postponement; backdown;
- pengunduran diri: resignation; retirement; withdrawal; backdown;
- diri: put up; self; set up; ego; person; built;
- pengunduran diri: resignation; retirement; withdrawal; backdown; climb-down
- mendorong pengunduran diri: led to the resignation of
- mengajukan pengunduran diri: send in papers
- menyatakan pengunduran diri: sound a retreat
- surat pengunduran diri: letter of resignation; resignation
- pengunduran diri paus benediktus xvi: resignation of pope benedict xvi
- pengunduran: retirement; deferment; postponement; backdown; reprieve; withdrawal; climb-down; respite; retreat; deferral
- pengunduran daripada agama: disengagement from religion
- diri: put up; self; set up; ego; person; built; institute; personal; herself; stand up; build; uprise; himself; get up; reflexive; themselves; base; stand; launch; plant; capita; found; constitute; establ
- akta kesatuan eropah (pengunduran) 2019 (gibraltar): european union (withdrawal) act 2019 (gibraltar)
- aktualisasi diri: self-actualisation; self-actualization
- angkat diri: promote self; put self forward